"It is a rare choreographer who makes you feel you are not waiting for anything to happen, because it already is happening – every moment “a visible action of life”, as Merce Cunningham once put it".
Appolinair Sherr - Financial Times NYC
“The ancient fairy tale is hidden, yet it stings from within helping to reveal the blurred boundary between a sleep that
seems never ending and death, the suspension of dreaming,
enchantment and fear.”
Francesca Pedroni - Il Manifesto
“The Levaggi-Stella duo has chosen to play with the dialogue that Mapplethorpe's images has always tried to deal with classicism and in particular with the "classical symmetry" of art. In their performance you can find David Lynch's cinema suggestions and themes very close to Levaggi-Stella as that of the comparison between eternity and caducity, good and evil.”
Stefano Bucci - La Lettura
Corriere della sera
"He is definitely a very talented choreographer, and because of his very solid and lovely knowledge as a classical dancer, the movements he creates for the dancers are really interesting and beautiful to look at".
Violette Verdy for NYCI/NYCB
“Slippery, Friction, Skipped and Stretch” is a dance that is born open in space and time. Each
performance is thus a premiere in which dance and music meet and change, creating situations that are different from time to time. Levaggi here demonstrates his ability to construct, albeit abstractly, a series of pictures
of great visual impact.”
Sonia Schoonejans - Ballet2000
“A sharing of intentions that led them to create the site-specific Over the Rainbow for Oriente Occidente and the Museum Mart. Here Umberto Chiodi discourse of hybridization and assemblage of materials extends to the contamination with another expressive language: dance. So much so as to push the layering belonging to the choreographer's code to seek a degree zero to start again with other assumptions in ther elationship with the artist's object. The object,p ositioned in the room on the second floor of the Mart where Sol Lewitt's. Not a random location given Lewitt with the emerging postmodern New York dance movement in the 1970s and in particular with Lucinda Childs".
Maria Luisa Buzzi -
Oriente Occidente FEST